Ahoy baby! 

A friend of mine recently welcomed a little baby nephew. This weekend I got to meet the little guy and decided to paint something for him. His room theme is ocean so I figured an anchor was fitting (they also happen to be one of my favourite things to draw). I wanted to share with you a bit of the process.

The first thing I did was find a picture of an anchor on google that I liked using my iPad. Once I found one I quickly traced it out. Then I take the time to fix it up until I like the over all shape. 

Then with my iPad I use a light box app to trace the anchor using my brush pen markers. 

Once that was done I used my aquash water pen to fill in the banner where i would be putting his name. 

Once the water colour was dry I picked a font for his name and wrote it in with a brush pen. 

Eh voila! A little anchor for a little man.